
I am an assistant professor of the School of Data Science at Fudan University.

My research interests are data mining and machine learning, especially mining
and learning from large-scale graph data. I am also interested in mathematical
optimization such as stochastic online optimization and online decision making.
My research goal is to find algorithms for solving different kinds of graph problems.

Recent Publications

Baojian Zhou and Steven Skiena.
Does it pay to optimize AUC? AAAI, 
arXivCode, 2023.

Baojian Zhou, Yifan Sun, and Reza Bahanezhad.
Fast Online Labeling for Very Large Graphs. ICML, 
arXivCode, 2023.

Zhen Chen, Xingzhi Guo, Baojian Zhou, Deqing Yang, and Steven Skiena.
Accelerating Personalized PageRank Vector Computation. KDD, 
arXivCode, 2023.

Chi Zhang, Wenkai Xiang, Xingzhi Guo, Baojian Zhou, Deqing Yang.
SubAnom: Efficient Subgraph Anomaly Detection Framework over Dynamic Graphs.
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW) 
arXivCode, 2023.

地址: 中国 上海市杨浦区淞沪路2005号复旦大学江湾校区2号交叉学科楼
邮编: 200438
电话: +86-21-31242153
传真: +86-21-31242153
E-mail: dataology@fudan.edu.cn