
Year 2022

1陈卓;刘宝玺;张鹏;卢暾;顾寒苏;顾宁 A Personalized Cross-Platform Post Style Transfer Method Based on Transformer and Bi-Attention Mechanism CCF B

2陈佳;王鹏;汪卫 Online Summarizing Alerts through Semantic and Behavior Information CCF A

3肖仁杰;袁永安;谈子敬;马帅 Dynamic functional dependency discovery with dynamic hitting set enumeration CCF A

4王佳安;李直旭 Knowledge Enhanced Sports Game Summarization CCF B

5夏家峰;李东胜;顾寒苏;刘家豪;卢暾;顾宁 FIRE: Fast Incremental Recommendation with Graph Signal Processing CCF A

6徐政;蒋睿;张鹏;卢暾;顾宁 Txchain: Scaling Sharded Decentralized Ledger via Chained Transaction Sequences CCF B

7潘思成;李东胜;顾寒苏;卢暾;骆煦芳;顾宁 Accurate and Explainable Recommendation via Review Rationalization CCF A

8汪方野;顾寒苏;李东胜;卢暾;张鹏;顾宁 MCRF: Enhancing CTR Prediction Models via Multi-Channel Feature Refinement Framework CCF B

9夏天宇;张寒冰;荆一楠;何震瀛;张凯;王晓阳 CrossIndex: Memory-Friendly And Session-Aware Index for Supporting Crossfilter in Interactive Data Exploration CCF B

10赵航;张寒冰;荆一楠;张凯;何震瀛;王晓阳 Revisiting Approximate Query Processing and Bootstrap Error Estimation on GPU CCF B

11毕文远;张寒冰;荆一楠;何震瀛;张凯;王晓阳 Learning-based Optimization for Online Approximate Query Processing CCF B

12王超;刘井平;庄天熠;李佳航;刘俊涛;肖仰华;汪卫;谢睿 A Sequence-to-Sequence Model for Large-scale Chinese Abbreviation Database Construction CCF B

13沈心瑶;陈江捷;陈家泽;曾淳;肖仰华 Diversified Query Generation Guided by Knowledge Graph CCF B

14许驹雄;李敏波 MAST-NER: A Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition Method based on Trigger Pool CCF C

15蒋婷;张鹏;卢暾;顾宁 Predicting Rollback Edits on Stack Overflow Based on Deep Fusion of Metadata and Text CCF C

16杨彬;王轶彤 Representation Learning in Heterogeneous Information Networks Based on Hyper Adjacency Matrix CCF B

17汪方野;顾寒苏;李东胜;卢暾;张鹏;顾宁;王迎旭 Enhancing CTR Prediction with Context-Aware Feature Representation Learning CCF A

18朱经纬;彭俊;张亮; Hong-Linh TruongImproving Business Process Resilience to Long-tailed Business Events via Low-code CCF B

19曾淳;陈江捷;庄天熠;徐锐;Hao Yang;Ying Qin;Shimin Tao;肖仰华 Neighbors Are Not Strangers: Improving Non-Autoregressive Translation under Low-Frequency Lexical Constraints CCF B

20. 陈江捷;徐锐;Ziquan Fu;Wei Shi;李忠桥;Xinbo Zhang;Changzhi Sun;Lei Li;肖仰华;Hao Zhou E-KAR: A Benchmark for Rationalizing Natural Language Analogical Reasoning CCF A

21方世能;陈江捷;沈心瑶;Yunwen Chen;肖仰华 FalCon: A Faithful Contrastive Framework for Response Generation in TableQA Systems CCF B

22陈江捷;包乔奔;Changzhi Sun;Xinbo Zhang;Jiaze Chen;Hao Zhou;肖仰华;Lei Li LoReN: Logic-Regularized Reasoning for Interpretable Fact Verification CCF A

23陈江捷;Chun Gan;程思婕;Hao Zhou;肖仰华;Lei Li Unsupervised Editing for Counterfactual Stories CCF A

24沈心瑶;陈江捷;Jiaze Chen;曾淳;肖仰华 Diversified Query Generation Guided with Knowledge Graph CCF B

25包乔奔;陈江捷;刘林方;梁家卿;刘井平;肖仰华 Harvesting More Answer Spans from Paragraphs beyond Annotation CCF B

26王鑫涛;何千羽;梁家卿;肖仰华 Language Models as Knowledge Embeddings CCF A

27陈砺寒;刘井平;蒋思航;王超;梁家卿;肖仰华;Sheng Zhang;Rui Song Crossword Puzzle Resolution via Monte Carlo Tree Search CCF B

28费奔;杨卫东;陈文明;马立鹏;胡兴 HFF-Net: Hierarchical Feature Fusion Network for Point Cloud Generation with Point Transformers CCF B

29程思婕;顾洲洪;刘邦;谢睿;武威;肖仰华 Learning What You Need from What You Did: Product Taxonomy Expansion with User Behaviors Supervision CCF B

30何千羽;程思婕;李直旭;谢睿;肖仰华 Can Pre-trained Language Models Interpret Similes as Smart as Human CCF A

31王续武;田俊峰;桂敏;李直旭;王睿;严明;陈砺寒;肖仰华 WIKIDiverse: A Multimodal Entity Linking Dataset with Diversified Contextual Topics and Entity Types CCF A

32王续武;叶加博;李直旭;田俊峰;蒋勇;严明;张佶;肖仰华 CATMNER: Multimodal Named Entity Recognition with Knowledge-refined Cross-modal Attention. CCF B

33王续武;蒋雪瑶;蒋思航;李直旭;肖仰华 Utilizing Expert Knowledge and Contextual Information for Sample-limited Causal Graph Construction CCF B

34王续武;田俊峰;桂敏;李直旭;叶加博;严明;肖仰华 PromptMNER: Prompt-based Entity-related Visual Clue Extraction and Integration for MNER. DASFAA CCF B

35童翰文;谢晨昊;梁家卿;何千羽;岳之昂;刘井平;肖仰华;王文广 A Context-Enhanced Generate-then-Evaluate Framework for Chinese Abbreviation Prediction CCF B

36黄君扬;陆轩韬;梁家卿;包乔奔;Chen Huang;肖仰华;刘邦;陈运文 Knowing What I Don’t Know: A Generation Assisted Rejection Framework in Knowledge Base Question Answering CCF B

37洪宇;李直旭;瞿剑峰;梁家卿;Yi Luo;Miyu Zhang;肖仰华;汪卫 Can We Have Both Fish and Bear's Paw. Improving Performance, Reliability and both of them for Relation Extraction under Label Shift CCF B

38凌致新;邢桢;周健;周向东 Conditional Stroke Recovery for Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval CCF B

39陈奕江;周向东;邢桢;刘志丹;徐旻洋 CaSS: A Channel-aware Self-supervised Representation Learning Framework for Multivariate Time Series Classification CCF B

40刘志丹;邢桢;周向东;陈奕江;周桂春 3D-Augmented Contrastive Knowledge Distillation for Image-based Object Pose Estimation CCF B

41陈昱妍;肖仰华;刘邦 Grow-and-Clip: Informative-yet-Concise Evidence Distillation for Answer Explanation CCF A

42李艾丽丝;肖仰华;梁家卿;陈运文 Semantic-based Data Augmentation for Math Word Problems CCF B

43. 蒋雪瑶;李艾丽丝;梁家卿;刘邦;Rui Xie;WeiWu;李直旭;肖仰华 Visualizable or Non-visualizable? Exploring the Visualizability of Concepts in Multi-modal Knowledge Graph CCF B

44程俏;刘俊涛;赵津;梁家卿;Zhefeng Wang;Baoxing Huai;Nicholas Jing Yuan;肖仰华 HacRED: A Large-Scale Relation Extraction Dataset Toward Hard Cases in Practical Applications CCF A

45. 张晨;陈碧欢;彭鑫;赵文耘 BuildSheriff: Change-Aware Test Failure Triage for Continuous Integration Builds CCF A

46李鎔凡;陈碧欢;张峰逸;孙超;彭鑫 Detecting Runtime Exceptions by Deep Code Representation Learning with Attention-Based Graph Neural Networks CCF B

47许聪颖;陈碧欢;陆宸昊;黄凯锋;彭鑫;Yang Liu Tracking Patches for Open Source Software Vulnerabilities CCF A

48曹峻铭;陈碧欢;孙超;胡珑杰;吴帅宏;彭鑫 Understanding Performance Problems in Deep Learning Systems CCF A

49张晨;陈碧欢;胡俊豪;彭鑫;赵文耘 BuildSonic: Detecting and Repairing Performance-Related Configuration Smells for Continuous Integration Builds CCF A

50肖仁杰;谈子敬;王浩金;马帅 Fast Approximate Denial Constraint Discovery CCF A

51刘宝玺;张鹏;舒钰博;管正青;卢暾;顾宁;顾寒苏 Building a Personalized Model for Social Media Textual Content Censorship CCF B

52邢桢;陈奕江;刘志丹;周向东;Yu Xiang Few-shot Single-view 3D Reconstruction with Memory Prior Contrastive Network CCF B

53潘姝烨;王鹏;王晨;汪卫;王建民 NLC: Search Correlated Window Pairs on Long Time Series CCF A

54赵京;王鹏;唐博;刘璐;王晨;汪卫;王建民 Constructing Compact Time Series Index for Efficient Window Query Processing CCF A

55张明明;王鹏;汪卫 Efficient Consensus Motif Discovery of All Lengths in Multiple Time Series CCF B

56乔帆;王鹏;汪卫;王斌杰 An Interpretable Time Series Classification Approach Based on Feature Clustering CCF B

57刘家豪;李东胜;顾寒苏;卢暾;张鹏;顾宁 Parameter-free Dynamic Graph Embedding for Link Prediction CCF A

58张鹏;管正青;刘宝玺;Xianghua Ding;卢暾;Hansu Gu;顾宁 Building User-oriented Personalized Machine Translator based on User-Generated Textual Content CCF B

59吴奕莹;丁向华;戴学蓝;张鹏;卢暾;顾宁 Alignment Work for Urban Accessibility: A Study of How Wheelchair Users Travel in Urban Spaces CCF B

60胡彬;吴毅坚;彭鑫;沙朝锋;王晓晨;傅百强;赵文耘 Predicting Change Propagation Between Code Clone Instances by Graph-based Deep Learning CCF B

61袁琳;李直旭;瞿剑峰 TRHyTE: Temporal Knowledge Graph Embedding Based on Temporal-Relational Hyperplanes CCF B

62张汀依;李直旭;王佳安;瞿剑峰 Aligning Internal Regularity and External Influence of Multi-granularity for Temporal Knowledge Graph Embedding CCF B

63徐天玉;华雯;瞿剑峰;李直旭;许佳捷;刘安;赵雷 Evidence-aware Document-level Relation Extraction CCF B

64王可心;李直旭;王佳安;瞿剑峰;何莹;刘安;赵雷 RT-KGD: Relation Transition Aware Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation CCF B

65谢鸣;李昱希;王亚彪;罗泽坤;甘振业;孙众毅;池明旻;汪铖杰;王培 Learning Distinctive Margin toward Active Domain Adaptation CCF A

66彭博;邱亦宁;吴东;何立仁;池明旻 A Progressive and Multi-Prior-Guided Network for Image Inpainting CCF B

67彭博;何立仁;邱亦宁;吴东;池明旻 Image-Signal Correlation Network for Textile Fiber Identification CCF A

68张鹏;刘宝玺;卢暾;丁向华;HANSU GU;顾宁 Jointly Predicting Future Content in Multiple Social Media Sites based on Multi-task Learning CCF A

69陈碧欢;Yang Liu;彭鑫;吴毅坚;Shengchao Qin Baton: Symphony of Random Testing and Concolic Testing through Machine Learning and Taint Analysis CCF A

70王超;陆轩韬;汪卫 A Theoretical Analysis Based on Causal Inference and Single-instance Learning CCF C

71王超;蒋海云;陈涛;刘井平;王孟辉;蒋思航;李直旭;肖仰华 Entity Understanding with Hierarchical Graph Learning for Enhanced Text Classification CCF C

72于方玉;张鹏;丁向华;卢暾;顾宁 Exploring How Workspace Awareness Cues Affect Distributed Meeting Outcome CCF B

73蒋艳琪;丁向华;刘迪;Xinning Gui;张文强;张巍 Designing intelligent self-checkup based technologies for everyday healthy living CCF A

74王鑫涛;梁家卿;肖仰华;汪卫 Prototypical Concept Representation CCF B

75陈砺寒;蒋思航;刘井平;王超;谢晨昊;梁家卿;肖仰华;Rui Song;Sheng Zhang Rule mining over knowledge graphs via reinforcement learning CCF C

76刘井平;陈涛;王超;梁家卿;陈砺寒;肖仰华;陈运文;金克 VoCSK: Verb-oriented commonsense knowledge mining with taxonomy-guided induction CCF A

77费奔;杨卫东;陈文明;李智军;李怡康;马涛;胡兴;马立鹏 Comprehensive Review of Deep Learning-Based 3D Point Cloud Completion Processing and Analysis CCF B

78郭良琛;张凯;王晓阳 Gaviss : Boosting the Performance of GPU-Accelerated NFV Systems via Data Sharing CCF A

79彭博;池明旻;刘超 Non-IID federated learning via random exchange of local feature maps for textile IIoT secure computing CCF A

80黄凯锋;陈碧欢;许聪颖;王颖;施博文;彭鑫;吴毅坚;Yang Liu Characterizing Usages, Updates and Risks of Third-Party Libraries in Java Projects CCF B

81张鹏;刘宝玺;卢暾;Hansu Gu;Xianghua Ding;顾宁 A semantic embedding enhanced topic model for user-generated textual content modeling in social ecosystems CCF B

82李帅;张岳;谈子敬;马帅 Diversifying repairs of Denial constraint violations CCF B

83Peng Zhang; Zhengqing Guan; Baoxi Liu; Xianghua Ding; Tun Lu; Hansu Gu; Ning Gu Building User-oriented Personalized Machine Translator based on User-generated Textual Content CCF B

84Zheng Xu; Rui Jiang; Peng Zhang; Tun Lu; Ning Gu TxChain: Scaling Sharded Decentralized Ledger via Chained Transaction Sequences CCF B

85Zhen Xing, Yijiang Chen, Zhixin Ling, Xiangdong Zhou, Yu Xiang Few-shot Single-view 3D Reconstruction with Memory Prior Contrastive Network CCF B

86Zhixin Ling, Zhen Xing, Jian Zhou, Xiangdong Zhou Conditional Stroke Recovery for Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval. CCF B

87Zhidan Liu, Zhen Xing, Xiangdong Zhou, Yijiang Chen, G. Zhou 3D-Augmented Contrastive Knowledge Distillation for Image-based Object Pose Estimation CCF B

88Yijiang Chen, Xiangdong Zhou, Zhen Xing, Zhidan Liu, Minyang Xu CaSS: A Channel-aware Self-supervised Representation Learning Framework for Multivariate Time Series Classification CCF B

89. Yu Pang, Xiangdong Zhou, Junqi Zhang, Quan Sun, Jianbin Zheng Hierarchical Electricity Time Series Prediction with Cluster Analysis and Sparse Penalty CCF B

90Lushan Song, Jiaxuan Wang, Zhexuan Wang, Xinyu Tu, Guopeng Lin, Wenqiang Ruan, Haoqi Wu, Weili Han pMPL: A Robust Multi-Party Learning Framework with a Privileged Party CCF A

91Chuanwang Wang, Junjie Zhang, Ming Xu, Haodong Zhang, Weili Han Segments: A Dominant Factor of Password Security to Resist against Data-driven Guessing. CCF B

92Kai Wang, Jun Pang, Dingjie Chen, Yu Zhao, Dapeng Huang, Chen Chen, Weili Han A Large-scale Empirical Analysis of Ransomware Activities in Bitcoin CCF B

93Haoyuan Chen, Fei Ye, Yuankai Fan, Zhenying He, Yinan Jing, Kai Zhang, X. Sean Wang Staged Query Graph Generation based on Answer Type for Question Answering over Knowledge Base CCF C

94Hui Wei, Ling-jiang Meng A stereo matching algorithm for high precision guidance in a weakly textured industrial robot environment dominated by planar facets CCF B

95Sicong Pan, Hui Wei A Global Max-flow-based Multi-resolution Next-best-view Method for Reconstruction of 3D Unknown Objects CCF B

96Sicong Pan, Hao Hu, Hui Wei SCVP: Learning One-shot View Planning via Set Covering for Unknown Object Reconstruction CCF B

97Yang Chengzhuan, Fang Lincong, Yu Qian, Wei Hui A Learning Robust and Discriminative Shape Descriptor for Plant Species Identification CCF B

98Sicong Pan, Hao Hu, Hui Wei SCVP: Learning One-shot View Planning via Set Covering for Unknown Object Reconstruction CCF B

99. Hui Wei, Ling-jiang Meng A binocular reconstruction based on perspective projection constraints and its application on Robot eye-hand coordination CCF C

100Qian Yu, Chengzhuan Yang, Hui Wei Part-Wise AtlasNet for 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction from a Single Image CCF C

101Hu Lu, Chao Chen, Hui Wei, Xia GengDeep Subspace Image Clustering Network with Self-expression and Self-supervision CCF C

102Jing Zhao, Peng Wang, Bo Tang, Lu Liu, Chen Wang, Wei Wang, Jianmin Wang Constructing Compact Time Series Index for Efficient Window Query Processing CCF A

103Shuye Pan, Peng Wang, Chen Wang, Wei Wang, Jianmin Wang NLC: Search Correlated Window Pairs on Long Time Series CCF A

104Jia Chen, Peng Wang, Wei Wang Online Summarizing Alerts through Semantic and Behavior Information CCF A

105Renjie Xiao, Yong’an Yuan, Zijing Tan, Shuai Ma, Wei Wang Dynamic Functional Dependency Discovery with Dynamic Hitting Set Enumeration CCF A

106BinYang;Yitong Wang Representation Learning in Heterogeneous Information Networks Based on Hyper Adjacency Matrix CCF B

107Renjie Xiao, Zijing Tan, Haojin Wang, and Shuai Ma Fast Approximate Denial Constraint Discovery CCF A

108Luping Wang, Hui Wei Winding pathway understanding based on angle projections in a field environment CCF C

109Tianhuan Yu, Zhenying He, Zhihui Yang, Fei Ye, Yuankai Fan, Yinan Jing, Kai Zhang, X. Sean WangZebra  A novel method for optimizing text classifcation query in overload scenario CCF B

110Hu Lu, Chao Chen, Hui Wei, Zhongchen Ma, Ke Jiang, Yingquan Wang Improved Deep Convolutional Embedded Clustering with Re-selectable Sample Training 其他

111Hui Wei, Xiao Jin, Zihao Su A circuit model for working memory based on hybrid positive and negative-derivative feedback mechanism 其他

112荆一楠;张寒冰;李智鑫;王晓阳;吴杰;柴洪峰 面向金融场景的下一代数据库测试基准研究 国内核心期刊

114叶雅珍;朱扬勇 盒装数据:一种基于数据盒的数据产品形态 国内核心期刊

115汤奇峰;邵志清;叶雅珍 数据交易中的权利确认和授予体系 国内核心期刊

116李敏波;吴宇 面向不平衡数据集的汽车零部件质量预测方法研究 国内核心期刊

117王璐,刘晓清,何震瀛 连续时间区间内的频繁词序列挖掘算法 国内核心期刊

118王森、危辉、孟令江 基于控制点和RGB向量差联合梯度Census变换的立体匹配算法 国内核心期刊

119金紫凤,潘思聪,危辉 可变环境下基于位姿变换矩阵的机器人无标定手眼协调方法 国内核心期刊

120段肖,危辉,马钢 基于3D目标跟踪算法的机器人手眼协调研究 国内核心期刊

121. 周义恒,陈颢天,周向东 基于图注意力网络的科技实体关系联合抽取方法国内核心期刊

122. 许驹雄;李敏波;刘孟珂;曹志月;唐波;葛浩 发动机故障领域知识图谱构建与应用 国内核心期刊

123. 蒲实;赵卫东 一种面向动态科研网络的社区检测算法 国内核心期刊

Year 2021

  1. 1.Huidi ChenYun XiongYangyong ZhuPhilip S. Yu. Highly Liquid Temporal Interaction Graph Embeddings. In Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021 (pp. 1639-1648)CCF A

  2. 2.DING, Xianghua, et al. Data Engagement Reconsidered: A Study of Automatic Stress Tracking Technology in Use. In: Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2021. p. 1-13. CCF A

  3. 3.Liu, M., Peng, X., Marcus, A., Xing, S., Treude, C., & Zhao, C. API-Related Developer Information Needs in Stack Overflow. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering2021.CCF A

  4. 4.Chen, C., Peng, X., Xing, Z., Sun, J., Wang, X., Zhao, Y., & Zhao, W.. Holistic Combination of Structural and Textual Code Information for Context Based API Recommendation. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,2021.CCF A

  5. 5.Jin, Y., Tan, Z., Zeng, W., & Ma, S. (2021, April). Approximate Order Dependency Discovery. In 2021 IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) (pp. 25-36). IEEE.CCF A

  6. 6.Liu, J., Wang, M., Wang, C., Liang, J., Chen, L., Jiang, H., ... & Chen, Y. (2021, May). Learning Term Embeddings for Lexical Taxonomies. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 35, No. 7, pp. 6410-6417).CCF A

  7. 7.Jiang, Q., Li, J., SUN, W. S., & Zheng, B. (2021). Dynamic Lane Traffic Signal Control with Group Attention and Multi-Timescale Reinforcement Learning. IJCAI.CCF A

  8. 8.Han, W., Xu, M., Zhang, J., Wang, C., Zhang, K., & Wang, X. S. (2020). Transpcfg: Transferring the Grammars from Short Passwords to Guess Long Passwords Effectively. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 16, 451-465.CCF A

  9. 9.Yuhu Chang, Yingying Zhao, Mingzhi Dong, Yujiang Wang, Yutian Lu, Qin Lv, Robert P. Dick, Tun Lu, Ning Gu, Li Shang. MemX: An Attention-Aware Smart Eyewear System for Personalized Moment Auto-capture. ACM Interactive Mobile Wearable & Ubiquitous Technologies, 2021, 5(2), Article 56. CCF A

  10. 10.Xiang Zhou, Xin Peng, Tao Xie, Jun Sun, Chao Ji, Wenhai Li, Dan Ding. Fault Analysis and Debugging of Microservice Systems: Industrial Survey, Benchmark System, and Empirical Study. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 47(2): 243-260 (2021)CCF A

  11. 11.Mingwei Liu, Xin Peng, Andrian Marcus, Christoph Treude, Xuefang Bai, Gang Lyu, Jiazhan Xie, Xiaoxin Zhang. Learning-Based Extraction of First-Order Logic Representations of API Directives. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2021: 491-502CCF A

  12. 12.Xiaosu Wang, Yun Xiong, Hao Niu, Jingwen Yue, Yangyong Zhu, Philip S. Yu. BioHanBERT: A Hanzi-aware Pre-trained Language Model for Chinese Biomedical Text Mining. ICDM 2021.CCF B

  13. 13.Xiaosu Wang, Yun Xiong, Hao Niu, Yao Zhang, Yangyong Zhu. C2BERT: Cross-contrast BERT for Chinese Biomedical Sentence Representation. BIBM 2021.CCF B

  14. 14.Yu Duan, Yun Xiong, Yao Zhang, Yuwei Fu, Yangyong Zhu. HSGMP: Heterogeneous Scene Graph Message Passing for Cross-modal Retrieval. ICMR,2021: 82-91.CCF B

  15. 15.Xiaosu Wang, Yun Xiong, Hao Niu, Jingwen Yue, Yangyong Zhu and Philip S. Yu.Improving Chinese Character Representation with Formation Graph Attention Network.CIKM. 2021.CCF B

  16. 16.GAO, Qianfeng, et al. VizGRank: A Context-Aware Visualization Recommendation Method Based on Inherent Relations Between Visualizations. In: International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications. Springer, Cham, 2021. p. 244-261. CCF B

  17. 17.Li, B., Peng, X., Xiang, Q., Wang, H., Xie, T., Sun, J., & Liu, X. Enjoy Your Observability: An Industrial Survey of Microservice Tracing and Analysis. Empirical Software Engineering,2022,27(1), 1-28.CCF B

  18. 18.Chen, C., Peng, X., Chen, B., Sun, J., Xing, Z., Wang, X., & Zhao, W. “More Than Deep Learning”: Post-Processing for API Sequence Recommendation. Empirical Software Engineering, 2022,27(1), 1-32.CCF B

  19. 19.Yuhu Chang, Changyang He, Yingying Zhao, Tun Lu, Ning Gu. A High-Frame-Rate Eye-Tracking Framework for Mobile Devices. The 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2021, 1445-1449. CCF B

  20. 20.Zheng Xu, Chaofan Liu, Peng Zhang, Tun Lu, Ning Gu. URIM: Utility-Oriented Role-Centric Incentive Mechanism Design for Blockchain-Based Crowdsensing. The 2021 International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 2021, 358-374. CCF B

  21. 21.Zhenghao Zhang, Tun Lu, Dongsheng Li, Peng Zhang, Hansu Gu, Ning Gu. SANS: Setwise Attentional Neural Similarity Method for Few-Shot Recommendation. The 2021 International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 2021, 69-84. CCF B

  22. 22.Kaifeng Huang, Bihuan Chen, Linghao Pan, Shuai Wu, and Xin Peng. REPFINDER: Finding Replacements for Missing APIs in Library Update. ASE, 2021.CCF B

  23. 23.Fengyi Zhang, Bihuan Chen, Rongfan Li, and Xin Peng. A Hybrid Code Representation Learning Approach for Predicting Method Names. Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 180, 2021.CCF B

  24. 24.Wenjian Liu, Bihuan Chen, Xin Peng, Qinghao Sun, and Wenyun Zhao. Identifying Change Patterns of API Misuses from Code Changes. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, vol. 64, no. 3, 2021.CCF B

  25. 25.Xudong Zhu, Joseph M. Plasek, Chunlei Tang, Wasim Al-Assad, Zhikun Zhang, Yun Xiong, Liqin Wang, Sharmitha Yerneni, Carlos Ortega, Min-Jeoung Kang, Li Zhou, David W. Bates & Patricia C. Dykes. Embedding, aligning and reconstructing clinical notes to explore sepsis. BMC research notes,2021.CCF C

  26. 26.LI, Minbo; XU, Juxiong; HAN, Le. Multi-dimensional Analysis of Industrial Big Data Based JSON Document. In: 2020 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data & Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing & Communications, Social Computing & Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom). IEEE, 2020. p. 1066-1073. CCF C

  27. 27.向麒麟, 彭鑫,赤坂居纱美,李博文. 基于动态和静态分析的单体应用FaaS改造方法. 软件学报, 2021.CCF A

  28. 28.李正洁, 沈立炜, 李弋, 彭鑫. 面向文本描述的 CPS 资源能力知识图谱构建方法.软件学报,2021, 1000(9825): 9825.CCF A

  29. 29.邢双双, 刘名威, 彭鑫. 基于软件知识图谱的代码语义标签自动生成方法. 软件学报, 2021.CCF A

  30. 30.刘弋,吴毅坚,彭鑫,闫亚东,基于图模型和孤立森林的上帝类检测方法,软件学报,2021.5.CCF A

  31. 31.朱旭东,熊贇. 基于样本分布损失的图像多标签分类研究. 计算机科学,2021.CCF B

  32. 32.叶雅珍, 刘国华, 朱扬勇. 数据产品流通的两阶段授权模式. 计算机科学,2021,48(01):119-124. CCF B

  33. 33.余乐章, 夏天宇, 荆一楠, 何震瀛,王晓阳. 面向大数据分析的智能交互向导系统. 计算机科学, 2021, 48(9): 110-117.CCF B

  34. 34.陶天一,王清钦,付聿炜,熊贇,俞枫,苑博. 基于知识图谱的金融新闻个性化推荐算法. 计算机工程, 2021, 47(6):7.CCF C

  35. 35.郭梦洁,熊贇. 基于GAN异质网络表示学习的疾病关联预测算法.计算机工程,2021,47(06):299-304.CCF C

  36. 36.金雨澄,王清钦,高剑,苗仲辰,林越峰,项雅丽,熊贇. 基于图深度学习的金融文本多标签分类算法. 计算机工程,2021.CCF C

  37. 37.徐少峰,潘文韬,熊贇,朱扬勇.基于结构感知双编码器的代码注释自动生成. 计算机工程,2021.CCF C

  38. 38.朱扬勇,熊贇. 跨境数据监管初探. 大数据, 2021, 7(1):10.CCF C

  39. 39.朱旭东,熊贇.基于多层次注意力和图模型的图像多标签分类研究.计算机工程,2021.CCF C

Year 2020

  1. 40.Yao Zhang, Yun Xiong, Yun Ye, Tengfei Liu, Weiqiang Wang, Yangyong Zhu, Philip S. Yu. TITLE: SEAL: Learning Heuristics for Community Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks AUTHORS. ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2020.CCF A

  2. 41.Jia, X., Xiong, Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., & Zhu, Y. (2020, December). Few-shot Radiology Report Generation for Rare Diseases. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) (pp. 601-608). IEEE.CCF B

  3. 42.Yi Xie, Yun Xiong, Yangyong Zhu. SAST-GNN:A Self-Attention based Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network for Traffic Prediction[C]. DASFAA, 2020.(CCF B)

  4. 43.Yun Xiong, Shaofeng Xu, Keyao Rong, Xinyue Liu, Xiangnan Kong, Shanshan Li, Philip Yu, Yangyong Zhu. Code2Text: Dual Attention Syntax Annotation Networks for Structure-aware Code Translation. DASFAA, 2020.(CCF B)

  5. 44.Huidi Chen, Yun Xiong, Changdong Wang, Yangyong Zhu, Wei Wang. SpEC: Sparse Embedding-based Community Detection in Attributed Graphs. DASFAA, 2020.(CCF B)

  6. 45.Tao Lei, Yun Xiong, Peng Tian, Yangyong Zhu. MinSR: Multi-level Interests Network for Session-based Recommendation. DASFAA, 2020.(CCF B)

  7. 46.Qingqin WangYun XiongYangyong ZhuPhilip S. Yu. KASR: Knowledge-Aware Sequential Recommendation. The Asia Pacific Web (APWeb) and Web-Age Information Management (WAIM) Joint International Conference on Web and Big Data (APWeb-WAIM) 2020.

  8. 47.Yao Zhang, Yun Xiong, Xiangnan Kong, Xinyue Liu, Yangyong Zhu. Multi-task Attributed Graphical Lasso. The Asia Pacific Web (APWeb) and Web-Age Information Management (WAIM) Joint International Conference on Web and Big Data (APWeb-WAIM), 2020.

  9. 48.Tianyi Tao, Yun Xiong, Guosen Wang, Yao Zhang, Peng Tian, Yangyong Zhu. IASR: an Item-level Attentive Social Recommendation Model for Personalized Ranking. APWeb-WAIM 2020: The 4th APWeb-WAIM International Joint Conference on Web and Big Data.

  10. 49.徐攸, 王晓萍, 熊贇. 基于角色的网络表征学习. 计算机工程,2020.CCF C

  11. 50.陶天一,王清钦,付聿炜,熊贇,俞枫,苑博. 基于知识图谱的金融新闻个性化推荐算法. 计算机工程,2020.CCF C

  12. 51.郭梦洁,熊贇. 基于 GAN 的异质网络表示学习的疾病关联预测. 计算机工程,2020.CCF C

  13. 52.朱扬勇, & 熊贇. (2020). 数据的经济活动及其所需要的权利. 大数据, 6(6), 0.CCF C

  14. 53.朱扬勇, & 熊贇. 数据跨境监管初探. 大数据, 7(1), 0.CCF C

  15. 54.Tao, T., Xiong, Y., Wang, G., Zhang, Y., Tian, P., & Zhu, Y. (2020, August). IASR: An Item-Level Attentive Social Recommendation Model for Personalized Ranking. In Asia-Pacific Web (APWeb) and Web-Age Information Management (WAIM) Joint International Conference on Web and Big Data (pp. 394-408). Springer, Cham.

Year 2019

  1. 55.Yun Xiong, Yizhou Zhang, Xiangnan Kong, Huidi Chen,Yangyong Zhu. GraphInception: Convolutional Neural Networks for Collective Classification in Heterogeneous Information Networks[J]. TKDE. 2019. (CCF A)

  2. 56.Yao Zhang, Yun Xiong, Xiangnan Kong, Zhuang Niu, Yangyong Zhu. IGE+: A Framework for Learning Node Embeddings in Interaction Graphs[J]. TKDE. 2019. (CCF A)

  3. 57.Yun Xiong, Yao Zhang, Weiwang, Philip S. Yu, Yangyong Zhu. DynGraphGAN: Dynamic Graph Embedding via Generative Adversarial Networks[C]. DASFAA. 2019,11446: 536-552.(CCF B)

  4. 58.Xiancheng Xie, Yun Xiong, Philip S. Yu, Kangan Li, Suhua Zhang, Yangyong Zhu. Attention-based Abnormal-Aware Fusion Network for Radiology Report Generation[C]. DASFAA. 2019, 11448:448-452. (CCF B)

  5. 59.Shaofeng Xu, Yun Xiong, Xiangnan Kong, Yangyong Zhu. Net2Text: An Edge Labelling Language Model for Personalized Review Generation[C]. DASFAA. 2019, 11446:484-500. (CCF B)

  6. 60.Yizhu Jiao, Yun Xiong, Jiawei Zhang, Yangyong Zhu. Collective Link Prediction Oriented Network Embedding with Hierarchical Graph Attention[C]. CIKM. 2019: 419-428. (CCF B)

  7. 61.Xiancheng Xie,Yun Xiong,Philip S Yu,Yangyong Zhu. EHR Coding with Multi-scale Feature Attention and Structured Knowledge Graph Propagation[C]. CIKM. 2019: 649-658. (CCF B)

  8. 62.Yao Zhang, Yun Xiong, Lu Ruan, Xiangnan Kong, Yangyong Zhu. NetMerger: Predicting Cross-network Links in Merged Heterogeneous Networks[C]. WI 2019. 2019: 21-28. (CCF C)

  9. 63.Qingqin Wang,Yun Xiong,Yangyong Zhu. GAN-based Deep Matrix Factorization for Recommendation Systems[C]. ICDS. 2019, 7: 37650-37663. (CCF C)

  10. 64.Yuwei Fu, Yun Xiong, Philip S. Yu, Tianyi Tao, Yangyong Zhu. Metapath Enhanced Graph Attention Encoder for HINs Representation Learning[C]. IEEE BigDate. 2019. (CCF C)

  11. 65.叶雅珍,刘国华,朱扬勇. 数据资产相关概念综述[J]. 计算机科学. 2019, 46(11): 20-24. (国内核心)

  12. 66.万美含,熊贇,朱扬勇. 基于异质网络层次注意力机制的基因功能预测[J]. 计算机工程. 2019: 1-8. (国内核心)

  13. 67.徐少峰,潘文韬,熊贇,朱扬勇. 基于结构感知双编码器的代码注释自动生成[J]. 计算机工程. 2019: 1-7. (国内核心)

  14. 68.符汉杰,熊贇,朱扬勇. TLP:一个动态网络中时序链路预测算法[J]. 计算机工程. 2019: 1-8. (国内核心)

  15. 69.阮璐, 熊贇. 基于网络表示学习的miRNA功能相似性研究[J]. 计算机工程. 2019, 45(02):154-159. (国内核心)

Year 2018

  1. 70.Yun Xiong, Yizhou Zhang, Xiangnan Kong, Yangyong Zhu. NetCycle+: A Framework for Collective Evolution Inference in Dynamic Heterogeneous Networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2018, 30(8), 1547-1560.CCF A

  2. 71.Zhang Y, Xiong Y, Kong X, et al. Deep Collective Classification in Heterogeneous Information Networks [C]. WWW, 2018: 399-408.CCF A

  3. 72.朱扬勇,熊贇,廖志成,等.数据自治开放模式[J].大数据,20184(2)3-14. (国内核心)

  4. 73.沈逸,姚旭,朱扬勇.数据自治开放与治理模式创新[J].大数据,20184(2)14-20. (国内核心)

  5. 74.熊贇,朱扬勇.面向数据自治开放的数据盒模型[J].大数据,20184(2)21-30. (国内核心)

  6. 75.吴毅坚,陈士壮,葛佳丽,等.数据自治开放的软件开发和运行环境[J].大数据,20184(2)31-41. (国内核心)

  7. 76.王智慧,周旭晨,朱云.数据自治开放模式下的隐私保护[J].大数据,20184(2)42-49. (国内核心)

  8. 77.黄霖,黎源,汪星辰,等.数据自治开放的加密技术挑战[J].大数据,20184(2)50-62. (国内核心)

  9. 78.陈德华,潘乔,王梅,等.数据自治开放应用平台设计与实践[J].大数据,20184(2)63-71. (国内核心)

Year 2017

  1. 79.Jiang Q, Peng X, Wang H, et al. Understanding systematic and collaborative code changes by mining evolutionary trajectory patterns[J]. Journal of Software: Evolution & Process, 2017, 29(3): 1840-1861.CCF B

  2. 80.Lin Y, Meng G, Xue Y, et al. Mining implicit design templates for actionable code reuse[C]. ASE, 2017:394-404.CCF A

  3. 81.Qian W, Peng X, Yu Y, et al.O2O service composition with social collaboration [C]. ASE, 2017: 451-461.CCF A

  4. 82.Sun G, Xiong Y, Zhu Y. How the passengers flow in complex metro networks ? [C]. International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM). 2017:23.CCF C

  5. 83.Wang J, Peng X, Xing Z, et al. Contextual Recommendation of Relevant Program Elements in an Interactive Feature Location Process[C]. SCAM, 2017: 61-70.CCF C

  6. 84.Wang X, Zhang W, Wang Z, et al. Eunomia: Scaling concurrent search trees under contention using HTM[C]. ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP), 2017:385-399.CCF A

  7. 85.Wei H, Yang C, Yu Q. Efficient graph-based search for object detection[J]. Information Sciences, 2017, 385-386:395-414.CCF B

  8. 86.Yu Q, Wei H, Yang C. Local part chamfer matching for shape-based object detection[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2017, 65:82-96.CCF B

  9. 87.Zhang W, Ji X, Song B, et al. VarCatcher: A framework for tackling performance variability of parallel workloads on multi-core[J]. IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems, 2017, 28(4):1215-1228.CCF A

  10. 88.Zhang Y, Xiong Y, Liu X, et al. Meta-path graphical lasso for learning heterogeneous connectivities[C]. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2017: .642-650.CCF B

  11. 89.Zhang Y, Xiong Y, Kong X, et al. Learning Node Embeddings in Interaction Graphs[C]// ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM, 2017:397-406.CCF B

  12. 90.Zheng J, Peng X, Yang J, et al. CollaDroid: Automatic augmentation of android application with lightweight interactive collaboration[C]. ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2017:2462-2474.CCF A

  13. 91.朱扬勇,熊贇.大数据的若干基础研究方向[J].大数据,20173(2):104-114. (国内核心)

Year 2016

  1. 92.Chen B, Peng X, Liu Y, et al. Architecture-based behavioral adaptation with generated alternatives and relaxed constraints[J]. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2016, PP(99):1-1.CCF B

  2. 93.Chen J, Zhang Q, Huang X. Incorporate group information to enhance network embedding[C]. ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2016:1901-1904.CCF B

  3. 94.Chen J, Zhang Q, Liu P, et al. Discourse relations detection via a mixed Generative-Discriminative framework[C]. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2016:2921-2927.CCF A

  4. 95.Chen J, Zhang Q, Liu P, et al. Implicit discourse relation detection via a deep architecture with gated relevance network[C]. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2016:1726-1735.CCF A

  5. 96.Chi M, Plaza A, Benediktsson J, et al. Big data for remote sensing: challenges and opportunities[J]. Proceedings of the IEEE, 2016, 104(11):2207-2219.CCF A

  6. 97.Cui W, Xiao Y, Wang W. KBQA: an online template based question answering system over freebase[C]. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2016:4240-4241.CCF A

  7. 98.Cui W, Zhou X, Lin H, et al. Verb pattern: a probabilistic semantic representation on verbs[C]. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2016:2587-2593.CCF A

  8. 99.Fang Z, Han W, Li D, et al. revDroid: Code analysis of the side effects after dynamic permission revocation of android Apps[C]. ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIA CCS), 2016:747-758.CCF A

  9. 100.Gong Y, Zhang Q. Hashtag recommendation using attention-based convolutional neural network[C]. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2016:2782-2788.CCF A

  10. 101.Han W, Li Z, Yuan L, et al. Regional patterns and vulnerability analysis of Chinese web passwords[J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2016, 11(2):258-272.CCF A

  11. 102.He C, Tan Z, Chen Q, et al. Repair diversification: A new approach for data repairing[J]. Information Sciences, 2016, s 346–347:90-105.CCF B

  12. 103.He X, Wang X, Li D, et al. Semi-homogenous generalization: Improving homogenous generalization for privacy preservation in cloud computing [J]. 2016, Journal of computer science and technology (JCST). 2016, 31(6): 1124–1135.CCF B

  13. 104.Lei J, Bai R, Guo L, et al. Towards a scalable framework for artifact-centric business process management systems[C]. International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE), 2016:309-323.CCF C

  14. 105.Liao M, Liu X, Gao X, et al. iSim: An efficient integrated similarity based collaborative filtering approach for trust prediction in Service-Oriented social networks[C]. International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC). 2016:501-516.CCF B

  15. 106.Lin Y, Peng X, Cai Y, et al. Interactive and guided architectural refactoring with search-based recommendation[C]. ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (STOC), 2016: 535-546.CCF A

  16. 107.Ma J, Sun L, Wang H, et al. Supervised anomaly detection in uncertain pseudoperiodic data streams[C]. ACM Transaction on Internet Technology (TOIT), 2016: 1-20.CCF B

  17. 108.Ni M, Zhang Y, Han W, et al. An empirical study on user access control in online social networks[C]. ACM on Symposium on Access Control MODELS and Technologies (SACMAT), 2016:13-23.CCF C

  18. 109.Lu Y, Li Y, Song B, et al. Parallelizing image feature extraction algorithms on multi-core platforms[J]. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2016, 92(C): 1-14.CCF B

  19. 110.Lu Y, Wang X, Zhang W, et al. Performance analysis of multimedia retrieval workloads running on multicores[J]. IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems, 2016, 27(11):3323-3337.CCF A

  20. 111.Peng X, Gu J, Tan T H, et al. Crowd Service: serving the individuals through mobile crowdsourcing and service composition[C]. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2016:214-219.CCF A

  21. 112.Qian W, Peng X, Wang H, et al. MobiGoal: flexible achievement of personal goals for mobile users[J]. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2016, PP(99):1-1.CCF B

  22. 113.Sun X, Wang H, Xiao Y, et al. Syntactic Parsing of Web Queries[C]. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). 2016:1787-1796.CCF B

  23. 114.Tang Y, Ma P, Kong B, et al. ESAP: A novel approach for Cross-Platform event dissemination trend analysis between social network and search engine[C]. International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE), 2016:489-504.CCF C

  24. 115.Wang T, Zhao Y. Secure Dynamic SSE via access indistinguishable storage[C]. ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS), 2016:535-546.CCF A

  25. 116.Wang X, Ji X, Lu Y, et al. Understanding the architectural characteristics of EDA algorithms[C]. International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2016:139-148.CCF B

  26. 117.Wei H, Dai Z, Zuo Q. A ganglion-cell-based primary image representation method and its contribution to object recognition[J]. Connection Science, 2016, 28:311-331.CCF C

  27. 118.Wei H, Yu Q, Yang C. Shape-based object recognition via evidence accumulation inference[J]. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2016, 77:42-49.CCF C

  28. 119.Wu H, Mao J, Sun W, et al. Probabilistic robust route recovery with spatio-temporal dynamics[C]. ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD), 2016:1915-1924.CCF A

  29. 120.Wu H, Sun W, Zheng B. Is only one gps position sufficient to locate you to the road network accurately?[C]. ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), 2016:740-751.CCF A

  30. 121.Xu B, Zhang Y, Liang J, et al. Cross-Lingual type inference[C]. International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 2016:447-462.CCF B

  31. 122.Yan Y, Tan Z, Gao X, et al. STH-Bass: A spatial-temporal heterogeneous bass model to predict single-tweet popularity[C]. Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 2016:18-22.CCF B

  32. 123.Yao C, Yung M, Zhao Y. Concurrent knowledge extraction in Public-Key models[J]. Journal of Cryptology, 2016, 29(1):156-219.CCF A

  33. 124.Zhang Q, Gong Y, Wu J, et al. Retweet prediction with attention-based deep neural network[C]. ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2016:75-84.CCF B

  34. 125.Zhang Q, Qian J, Guo Y, et al. Generating abbreviations for Chinese named entities using recurrent neural network with dynamic dictionary[C]. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). 2016:721-730.CCF B

  35. 126.Zhang Q, Wang Y, Gong Y, et al. Keyphrase extraction using deep recurrent neural networks on twitter[C]. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2016:836-845.CCF B

  36. 127.Zhang W, Wang H, Lu Y, et al. A loosely-coupled full-system multicore simulation framework[J]. IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems, 2016, 27(6):1566-1578.CCF A

  37. 128.Zhang W, Yu S, Wang H, et al. Hardware support for concurrent detection of multiple concurrency bugs on fused CPU-GPU architectures[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2016, 65(10):3083-3095.CCF A

  38. 129.Zhang Y, Cao J, Gao X, et al. FR-Index: A Multi-dimensional indexing framework for Switch-Centric data centers[C]. Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA). 2016:326-334.CCF C

  39. 130.Zhang Y, Xiong Y, Kong X, et al. NetCycle: Collective evolution inference in heterogeneous information networks[C]. ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD), 2016:1365-1374.CCF A

  40. 131.Zhao W, Liu H, Dai W, et al. An entropy-based clustering ensemble method to support resource allocation in business process management[J]. Knowledge & Information Systems, 2016, 48(2):305-330.CCF B

  41. 132.Zhao W, Wu R, Liu H. Paper recommendation based on the knowledge gap between a researcher's background knowledge and research target[J]. Information Processing & Management, 2016, 52(5):976-988.CCF B

  42. 133.Zhao Y. Identity-Concealed authenticated encryption and key exchange[C]. ACM Sigsac Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2016:1464-1479.CCF A

Year 2015

  1. 134.Chen H, Li Y, Shen J, et al. Online service search based on multi-dimensional semantic service model[C]. International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), 2015: 171-175.CCF C

  2. 135.Chen Q, Tan Z, He C, et al. Repairing functional dependency violations in distributed data[C]. Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 2015:441-457.CCF B

  3. 136.Gong Y, Zhang Q, Huang X. Hashtag recommendation using dirichlet process mixture models incorporating types of hashtags[C]. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). 2015:401-410. CCF B

  4. 137.Gong Y, Zhang Q, Sun X, et al. Who Will You @? [J]. ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2015:533-542.CCF B

  5. 138.Guo Z, Han W, Liu L, et al. SPA: Inviting your friends to help set android apps[C]. ACM Symposium on Access Control MODELS and Technologies (SACMAT), 2015:221-231.CCF C

  6. 139.Han W, Zhang Y, Guo Z, et al. Fine-grained business data confidentiality control in cross-organizational tracking[C]. ACM Symposium on Access Control MODELS and Technologies (SACMAT), 2015:135-145.CCF C

  7. 140.Jiang Q, Peng X, Wang H, et al. Summarizing evolutionary trajectory by grouping and aggregating relevant code changes[C]. IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), 2015:361-370.CCF B

  8. 141.Jiang S, Shen L, Peng X, et al. Understanding developers' natural language queries with interactive clarification[C]. IEEE, International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), 2015:13-22.CCF B

  9. 142.Li H, Zhao X, Xing Z, et al. amAssist: In-IDE ambient search of online programming resources[C]. IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), 2015:390-398.CCF B

  10. 143.Li Y, Yang W, Dan W, et al. Keyword-Aware dominant route search for various user preferences[C]. Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 2015: 207-222.CCF B

  11. 144.Lin Y, Peng X, Xing Z, et al. Clone-based and interactive recommendation for modifying pasted code[C]. Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2015:520-531.CCF A

  12. 145.Liu P, Qiu X, Huang X. Learning context-sensitive word embeddings with neural tensor skip-gram model[C]. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2015:1284-1290.CCF A

  13. 146.Liu P, Sun W, Zhang J, et al. An automaton-based index scheme supporting twig queries for on-demand XML data broadcast[J]. Journal of Parallel & Distributed Computing, 2015, 86(C):82-97.CCF B

  14. 147.Lu Y, Wang X, Zhang W, et al. Characterizing multi-media retrieval applications[C]. International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2015:270-279.CCF B

  15. 148.Nan Y, Yang M, Yang Z, et al. UIPicker: User-Input privacy identification in mobile applications[C]. USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), 2015:993-1008.CCF A

  16. 149.Qian W, Peng X, Chen B, et al. Rationalism with a dose of empiricism: combining goal reasoning and case-based reasoning for self-adaptive software systems[J]. Requirements Engineering, 2015, 20(3):233-252.CCF B

  17. 150.Qiu X, Huang X. Convolutional neural tensor network architecture for community-based question answering[C]. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2015:1305-1311.CCF A

  18. 151.Shan Z, Wu H, Sun W, et al. COBWEB: a robust map update system using GPS trajectories[C]. ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), 2015:927-937.CCF A

  19. 152.Sun J, Xiong Y, Zhu Y, et al. Multi-source information fusion for personalized restaurant recommendation[C]. International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), 2015:983-986.CCF A

  20. 153.Sun W, Chen C, Zheng B, et al. Fast optimal aggregate point search for a merged set on road networks[J]. Information Sciences, 2015, 310(C):52-68.CCF B

  21. 154.Sun W, Chen C, Zhu L. On efficient aggregate nearest neighbor query processing in road networks[J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2015, 30(4):2243-2248.CCF B

  22. 155.Sun X, Xiao Y, Wang H, et al. On conceptual labeling of a bag of words[C]. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2015:1326-1332.CCF A

  23. 156.Wei H. A bio-inspired method for object representation[C]. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2015:1-8.CCF C

  24. 157.Wei H, Cheng W. A shape recognition method based on syntax-automaton[C]. IEEE, International Conference on TOOLS with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2015:784-790.CCF C

  25. 158.Wei H, Tang X, Liu H. A genetic algorithm(GA)-based method for the combinatorial optimization in contour formation[J]. Appllied Intelligence, 2015, 43:112-131.CCF C

  26. 159.Wei H, Zuo Q. A biologically inspired neurocomputing circuit for image representation[J]. Neurocomputing, 2015, 164:96-111.CCF C

  27. 160.Weng D, Wang Y, Gong M, et al. DERF: Distinctive efficient robust features from the biological modeling of the P ganglion cells[J]. IEEE Transactions on image processing, 2015, 24(8):2287-2302.CCF A

  28. 161.Weng J, Zhao Y, Deng R H, et al. A note on the security of KHL scheme[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 2015, 602:1-6.CCF B

  29. 162.Xie Z, Jiang L, Ye T, et al. A synthetic minority oversampling method based on local densities in Low-Dimensional space for imbalanced learning[C]. Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 2015:3-18.CCF B

  30. 163.Wu Q, Yang W, Chen Z, et al. Research of semantic understanding on target region of interest for fuzzy image[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2015, 37:135-114.CCF C

  31. 164.Wu H, Tu C, Sun W, et al. GLUE: a Parameter-Tuning-Free map updating system[C]. ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2015:683-692.CCF B

  32. 165.Xie Z, Jiang L, Ye T, et al. MPTM: A topic model for multi-part documents[C]. Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 2015:154-168.CCF B

  33. 166.Xiong Y, Zhu Y, Yu P. Top-k similarity join in heterogeneous information networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, 2015, 27(6):1710-1723.CCF A

  34. 167.Yang D, He J, Qin H, et al. A graph-based recommendation across heterogeneous Domains[J]. ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2015:463-472.CCF B

  35. 168.Yang D, Xiao Y, Song Y, et al. Semantic-based recommendation across heterogeneous domains[C]. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2015:1075-1080.CCF B

  36. 169.Yang D, Xiao Y, Tong H, et al. An integrated tag recommendation algorithm towards weibo user profiling[C]. Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 2015:353-373.CCF B

  37. 170.Yao W, He J, Wang H, et al. Collaborative topic ranking: leveraging item meta-data for sparsity reduction[C]. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2015:374-380.CCF A

  38. 171.Ye L, Qian K, Zhang L. S-PDH: A CPS service contract framework for composition[C]. International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC), 2015:79-90.CCF B

  39. 172.Zhang W, Li J, Li Y, et al. Multilevel phase analysis[J]. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2015, 14(2):1-29.CCF B

  40. 173.Zhou J, Zhu S, Huang X, et al. Enhancing time series clustering by incorporating multiple distance measures with semi-supervised learning[J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2015, 30(4):859-873.CCF B

  41. 174.佘玉轩,熊赟.Medas:一个基于Medline的生物医学文献分析系统[J].计算机研究与发展,2015(1):102-106.(国内核心)

  42. 175.熊赟,朱扬勇.特异群组挖掘:框架与应用[J].大数据,2015(2):66-77.

  43. 176.杨丽琴,康国胜,郭立鹏,等.一种适用于多样性环境的业务流程挖掘方法[J].软件学报,201526(3):550-561.(国内核心)

  44. 177.朱扬勇,熊赟.大数据是数据、技术,还是应用[J].大数据,20151(1):71-81.

  45. 178.张一舟,曾剑平,孙婧,等.OMisy:一个面向股吧数据的观点挖掘系统[J].计算机研究与发展,2015(1):123-128.(国内核心)

Year 2014

  1. 179.Chen B, Peng X, Yu Y, et al. Requirements-Driven Self-Optimization of Composite Services using Feedback Control[J]. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2014, 2298866:1-14.CCF B

  2. 180.Chan W, Du J, Yang W, et al. Term selection and result reranking for question retrieval by exploiting hierarchical classification[C]. ACM International Conference on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2014:141-150.CCF B

  3. 181.Chen B, Peng X, Yu Y, et al. Self-adaptation through incremental generative model transformations at runtime[C]. International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2014:676-687.CCF A

  4. 182.Chen B, Peng X, Yu Y, et al. Uncertainty handling in goal-driven self-optimization - Limiting the negative effect on adaptation[J]. Journal of Systems & Software, 2014, 90(1):114-127.CCF B

  5. 183.Cui W, Xiao Y, Wang H, et al. Local search of communities in large graphs[C]. ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 2014: 991-1002.CCF A

  6. 184.Dai Z, Wang H, Zhang W, et al. Hydra: efficient detection of multiple concurrency bugs on fused CPU-GPU architecture[C]. International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2014:331-340.CCF B

  7. 185.Du J, Chan W, Zhou X. A product aspects identification method by using translation-based language model[C]. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2014:2790-2795.CCF C

  8. 186.Fang Z, Han W, Li Y. Permission based Android security: Issues and countermeasures[J]. Computers & Security, 2014, 43(6):205-218.CCF B

  9. 187.Han W, Fang Z, Chen W, et al. Collaborative Policy Administration[J]. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2014, 25(2): 498-507.CCF A

  10. 188.He C, Tan Z, Chen Q, et al. Repair diversification for functional dependency violations[C]. Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 2014:468-482.CCF B

  11. 189.Hu H, Zhang M, He Z, et al. Topical presentation of search results on database[C]. Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 2014:343-360.CCF B

  12. 190.Li C, Sun J, Xiong Y, et al. An efficient Drug-Target interaction mining algorithm in heterogeneous biological networks[C]. Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), 2014:65-76.CCF C

  13. 191.Li Q, Wang P, Wang W, et al. An efficient K-means clustering algorithm on mapReduce[C]. Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 2014:357-371.CCF B

  14. 192.Li Z, Han W, Xu W. A large-scale empirical analysis of Chinese web passwords[C]. Usenix Security Symposium (USENIX Security), 2014:559-574.CCF A

  15. 193.Lin Y, Xing Z, Peng X, et al. Clonepedia: summarizing code clones by common syntactic context for software maintenance[C]. IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2014:341-350.CCF B

  16. 194.Lin Y, Xing Z, Xue Y, et al. Detecting differences across multiple instances of code clones[C]. International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2014:164-174.CCF A

  17. 195.Peng X, Xie Y, Yu Y, et al. Evolving commitments for self-adaptive socio-technical systems[C]. IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS), 2014:98-107.CCF C

  18. 196.Qian W, Peng X, Chen B, et al. Rationalism with a dose of empiricism: Case-based reasoning for requirements-driven self-adaptation[C]. IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 2014:113-122.CCF B

  19. 197.Sun W, Qin Y, Wu J, et al. Air Indexing for On-Demand XML Data Broadcast[J]. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2014, 25(6):1371-1381.CCF A

  20. 198.Sun Y, Ding X, Lindtner S, et al. Being senior and ICT:a study of seniors using ICT in China[C]. Sigchi Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2014:3933-3942.CCF A

  21. 199.Wang L, Xiao Y, Shao B, et al. How to partition a billion-node graph[C]. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2014:568-579.CCF A

  22. 200.Wei H, Dong Z. Local image descriptor inspired by visual cortex[J]. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2014, 263:1125-1126.CCF B

  23. 201.Wei H, Dong Z. V4 neural network model for visual saliency and discriminative local representation of shapes[C]. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2014:3420-3427.CCF C

  24. 202.Wei H, Lang B, Zuo Q S. An image representation of infrastructure based on non-classical receptive field[J]. Soft Computing, 2014, 18(1):109-123.CCF C

  25. 203.Wei H, Tang X. A genetic-algorithm-based explicit description of object contour and its ability to facilitate recognition[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2014, 45(11):2558-2571.CCF B

  26. 204.Wei H, Zuo Q. A bio-inspired early-level image representation and its contribution to object recognition[C]. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2014:4263-4268.CCF C

  27. 205.Xiao J, Wei H. Scale-invariant contour segment context in object detection[J]. Image and Vision Computing, 2014, 32:1055-1066.CCF C

  28. 206.Yang D, Xiao Y, Song Y, et al. Tag propagation based recommendation across diverse social media[C]. International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW), 2014:407-408.CCF A

  29. 207.Zhang K, Xiao Y, Tong H, et al. WiiCluster: a platform for wikipedia infobox generation[C]. ACM International Conference on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2014:2033-2035.CCF B

  30. 208.Zhang Y, Yang M, Yang Z, et al. Permission use analysis for vettingundesirable behaviors in Android Apps[J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2014, 9(11):1828-1842.CCF A

  31. 209.董瑞志,彭鑫,赵文耘.一种基于问题框架的软件密集型系统增量需求问题求解方法[J].计算机学报,201437(03):551-567.国内核心

  32. 210.林日昶,陈碧欢,彭鑫,等.支持风险偏好的Web服务动态组合方法[J].中国科学:信息科学,2014441:130-141.国内核心

Year 2010

  1. 211.汤春蕾,董家麒,戴东波,等.一种序列模式的相似性查询算法[J].计算机研究与发展,2011(z2):510-517.国内核心

  2. 212.戴东波,熊赟,朱扬勇.基于参考集索引的高效序列相似性查找算法[J].软件学报,2010,(4:718-731.国内核心

  3. 213.朱扬勇,戴东波,熊赟.序列数据相似性查询技术研究综述[J].计算机研究与发展,2010,(2:264-276.国内核心

  4. 214.戴东波,汤春蕾,邱伯仁,等.一种优化多重过滤的序列查询算法[J].计算机研究与发展,2010,(10:1785-1796.国内核心

  5. 215.戴东波,汤春蕾,熊赟.基于整体和局部相似性的序列聚类算法[J].软件学报,2010,(4:702-717.国内核心

Year 2009

  1. 216.孙圣力,李金玖,朱扬勇.高效处理分布式数据流上skyline持续查询算法[J].软件学报,2009,(7:1839-1853. DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1001.2009.03340.国内核心

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